Extract/Restore a Backup

    "People don't want backups. People want Restores."

    What's the point in backing up if you can't restore from it?
    Of course, Norg has a restore functionality, and can restore an entire backup to a directory of your choice.
    To protect current data, Norg will only restore to an empty directory, so it is important to specify a directory that is empty. Norg will create directories that do not exist.


    First, find the backup you wish to restore. This can easily be done by using the list command.

    norg -c myconfig.toml list

    Which will give you an output similar to this:

    # For Borg
    hostname-2024-08-23T15:46:19.037234 Fri, 2024-08-23 15:46:19 
    hostname-2024-08-24T15:21:17.738163 Sat, 2024-08-24 15:21:18
    # or for Restic
    ID        Time                 Host        Paths     Size
    5f2bc4f1  2024-08-23 10:30:25  hostname    /home/me  96.361 MiB
    e0de9b6c  2024-08-24 11:50:52  hostname    /home/me  94.123 MiB

    When you know which archive or snapshot you want to extract, you can run the extract command with repository, archive and destination parameters.

    # Borg example 
    norg -c myconfig.toml extract -r MyBorgRepo -a hostname-2024-08-23T15:46:19.037234 --destination /my/restore/location
    # Restic example
    norg -c myconfig.toml extract -r MyResticRepo -a 5f2bc4f1 --destination /my/restore/location

    Further Command Line Reference

    Like with all other commands, you can specify Borg/Restic command line parameters after all other parameters to adjust how the extract will run. Please see Using both Borg and Restic for more information.

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