Knowing your Backup has Run

    Great, we have backups set up and running automatically, but how do we know they're running successfully?
    Well, Norg can interact with monitoring tools to let you know backups are running... Or, probably more accuractely, when they fail.

    Currently only Uptime Kuma is supported, but it would be possible to connect to many other types of monitoring service by creating a new notifiers/{notifier_name}.nim codefile and linking it all up.

    Supported Monitoring Tools

    Uptime Kuma

    Uptime Kuma is a self-hosted monitoring tool. It's generally used to call out to a service or server every minute to check it is running. But, it does have the option of a "Push" type of monitor, which waits for a service to make a HTTP GET request to it, and reports on the status of that request, or if that request is missed within a timeframe.
    Some basic Uptime Kuma Settings for a backup job would be as follows:

    # These are to be entered into Uptime Kuma and not into your Norg
    # configuration.
    # Push monitors wait for the client to contact Uptime Kuma instead of Uptime
    # Kuma contacting the client. This is perfect for backup monitoring.
    Monitor Type = Push
    Heartbeat Interval = 90000     # = 25 hours = 1 day + 1 hour
    # Wait 6 times the Heartbeat Retry (below) before logging a heartbeat missed.
    Retries = 6
    # Multiplied by Retries this gives a grace period within which the monitor
    # goes into the "Pending" state.
    Heartbeat Retry = 360          # = 10 minutes
    # For each Heartbeat Interval if the backup fails repeatedly, a notification
    # is sent each time.
    Resend Notification every X times = 1

    Your Norg configuration file should have an uptimekuma section as below

    base_url = "https://uptime.kuma.example/api/push/abcd1234"
    states = ["Success", "Failure", "Running"]

    This will make Norg request your Uptime Kuma service on Running, Failure and Success states. Uptime Kuma could then alert you about this change in state, depending on how your Uptime Kuma is configured.


    Not implemented yet.

    Not implemented yet.

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